Abilleira Milo has become the top choice to take over the bench of Pontevedra Football Club next season. Pontevedra coach is in the crosshairs of Mauricio Rodríguez Boulton to build the sports project garnet in the Third Division, with the aim of trying to return the set to the Second Division B. The main difficulty to be overcome in order to deepen both sides in the negotiations is the employment status of the Celtic Abilleira Milo. The preparer lerezano just finished the season leading the celestial branch and is in the pre-negotiation phase of renovation of his office, a fact that will continue, at least until early next week. Celta not seem to have shown much interest in its continuation in front of your second computer. Despite the good campaign by olive trees and the remarkable puppies flow into the first team players, Celtic sporting director, Miguel Torrecilla, he has not called to address the issue of his tenure at the institution, unlike other elements technical staff, renewed for three months, while the first team from Vigo, Paco Herrera.
Abilleira welcomed the option of returning to Pontiac, but not to make any evaluation on on until resolved, for better or for worse, the current situation in Vigo. Mauricio Rodriguez Boullosa awaits him, pending the resolution, to make a determination, but for now does not close the door to other options, provided they meet the technical profile of Pontevedra or environment. Finally arriving at Pasarón, Milo would face the second stage leading to the first team of Pontevedra. The Pontevedra he led the staff lerezana in the 1997-98 season in Second Division B.
Source: Diario de Pontevedra
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