The Madrid International wants to put end to a historic season, the first in the Third Division, in which Javier Garcia Marquez have been rewarded his philosophy and gained a deserved award for work and perseverance. Few believed in the league start, that Inter would end the championship with much credit and struggling to finish in fifth place. Javier Garcia is very clear, "we finish as high as possible, because I think we're capable of it and deserve it. Front, yes, we will have a great team with a good plantlla, which will come to let the skin because it wants to stay as high as possible. "Unless unforeseen last minute, Javier Garcia Marques, who will be without Barahona Tico injured and will continue next season in front of the ship interest. Atlético de Pinto was fired this season against Inter Moral Madrid with the sole mission of trying to get fifth in the table. The coach of the team is pinteño willing to put an end to this season and start a new project from scratch: "I have wanted to arrive on Sunday to wrap up a season rather complicated. We are already working to prepare a new season to start from scratch. "
For the match against Inter will be without casualties "long life" such as Fran, strains and Aaron. In addition we must add the possible downgrade of Alex Ruiz, who now drag and Augustine, who will miss the final game of the season through suspension. On the game, Jose Julian Lopez wanted to make clear that the team will go out for three points: "we're going to win against Inter because it would be unfair, after the season that the team has done, end of the season in tenth place. So the team will jump to the grass on Sunday with a mission to get fifth place. "
Source: elgoldemadriz.com
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