Friday, December 17, 2010
How To Change A Casehard Combination Lock
Pulp Fiction is one of my favorite movies, I've seen ... I do not know about ... exactly twice. The first, in film, and the second a few days ago. The reason it has not seen more times is simple: my sainted wife of Quentin Tarantino's humor is not funny and find the right time for a film so unique is not easy and the truth, I had other things to think about.
Well let the mess.
Pulp Fiction, or how to organize a story about a toilet.
1. Vincent Vega Mia to dinner out with a 50's style restaurant. On returning home, Vincent goes to the bathroom, Mia takes time to poke his jacket, eating part of his drug and made to die.
2. Butch goes home to collect his gold watch, the idiot of his girlfriend, Fabienne, carelessly forgotten at home. Here you'll find Vincent to liquidate, but oh surprise, Butch comes at a time that Vincent is in the bathroom. Thanks to that little detail, Butch manages to liquidate.
3. Back at the apartment where Vincent Vega (again alive) and Jules have gone to young people who have stolen the briefcase of Wallace. Of (of course) bathroom, leaving a man without them being shot repeatedly, making Jules see the light and decides to change his life.
4. Jules and Vincent are in the cafeteria where the movie begins. Vincent gets caught across the scrub of the robbers in the bathroom! ideally creating a situation relatable.
So four Pipis and / or poop, and flashbackqueando galore and you have a masterpiece. Joia
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Campbell's Soup Scalloped Potatoes
I traveled back in time (seriously)
chance. Three days after writing a bland post about a possible triple impossible, is that I have had an authentic vintage experience .
I played renew your driver's license, for now just go to a medical center conductor where you do the same lamentable evidence provided, namely: you read those letters from there, you see all those colors? (Literal), etc, etc.
But one of the tests, the pure psychophysics has been great, how much I missed my dear Pitercio. It was a test computer. The first thing I see is a screen (full color) with very few characters of 8 bits. Then I look at the device that I manage, which is a rectangular box leaving two T-shaped handles with which I have to drive two dots moving on a sinuous lines, without straying, like children when color.
I look better on the computer. The Commodore brand screen is authentic and original, and the computer presto! Mitsubishi MSX, like this link.
While the girl, quite cute, I gave instructions, I just did not know what to say, if you make a joke about "the computer" on the joystick or on the progress of the color screens. Since I have been after the scare, I realize that it could have done a couple of glowing reviews, as this computer is older than you, or your mobile phone, and no matter which model I have, has at least 100 times more memory than the pileup. You could also mention that there is someone out there that give awards to one you are using the older computer. These secure the win.
secret I chose to enjoy the moment. The Indian seemed the Big Bang Theory. He was bowlegged, puzzled. Before me was a pileup that was launched in 1983, 27 years ago, she still gave use. The "joystick" was the least ergonomic thing I had seen in my life, and the software ... The software ... the only good thing can be said is that the lines ran smoothly, which was actually sufficient to their task.
The test was easy, but required concentration. In a display of technical mastery, the girl showed me the statistics that the app ... the programilla offered.
- Now you see how you did it. Very good! You've been inside the lines 99.6% of the time, that's fine.
I nodded, because after all I want is to get my card again, but I kept thinking that in a real driving situation, be inside the road is quite 99.6% dangerous. Also
taught me a couple more data, and it already had the potential of programilla, three data for each hand, and without abuse, which is just the 64k.
I guess the poor girl when she appeared for the first time to work.
- child, will you handle computers?
- Yes, Windows XP, Office Suite, Business Objects and I am manager of Oracle.
- michubichi What do you know?
I played renew your driver's license, for now just go to a medical center conductor where you do the same lamentable evidence provided, namely: you read those letters from there, you see all those colors? (Literal), etc, etc.
But one of the tests, the pure psychophysics has been great, how much I missed my dear Pitercio. It was a test computer. The first thing I see is a screen (full color) with very few characters of 8 bits. Then I look at the device that I manage, which is a rectangular box leaving two T-shaped handles with which I have to drive two dots moving on a sinuous lines, without straying, like children when color.
I look better on the computer. The Commodore brand screen is authentic and original, and the computer presto! Mitsubishi MSX, like this link.
While the girl, quite cute, I gave instructions, I just did not know what to say, if you make a joke about "the computer" on the joystick or on the progress of the color screens. Since I have been after the scare, I realize that it could have done a couple of glowing reviews, as this computer is older than you, or your mobile phone, and no matter which model I have, has at least 100 times more memory than the pileup. You could also mention that there is someone out there that give awards to one you are using the older computer. These secure the win.
secret I chose to enjoy the moment. The Indian seemed the Big Bang Theory. He was bowlegged, puzzled. Before me was a pileup that was launched in 1983, 27 years ago, she still gave use. The "joystick" was the least ergonomic thing I had seen in my life, and the software ... The software ... the only good thing can be said is that the lines ran smoothly, which was actually sufficient to their task.
The test was easy, but required concentration. In a display of technical mastery, the girl showed me the statistics that the app ... the programilla offered.
- Now you see how you did it. Very good! You've been inside the lines 99.6% of the time, that's fine.
I nodded, because after all I want is to get my card again, but I kept thinking that in a real driving situation, be inside the road is quite 99.6% dangerous. Also
taught me a couple more data, and it already had the potential of programilla, three data for each hand, and without abuse, which is just the 64k.
I guess the poor girl when she appeared for the first time to work.
- child, will you handle computers?
- Yes, Windows XP, Office Suite, Business Objects and I am manager of Oracle.
- michubichi What do you know?
Friday, December 10, 2010
What Do You Need To Build A Caravel Ship
your turn to write to you ... Whatever
're dining while viewing, for the fifty-fourth time, the Simpsons episode where Santa's Little Helper joins the Springfield police. Open a Greek yoghurt produced in Getafe and read at the top that has touched a De Lorean DMC-12, Fluzo with capacitor and all. Immediately the car keys displayed on the coffee table beside the plate of sausages that have taken many by dinner. The promoters of the contest, very cleverly, traveled through time to the future and found that I had touched you, and to impress, they prepared everything to give you the prize as soon as you discovered.
're dining while viewing, for the fifty-fourth time, the Simpsons episode where Santa's Little Helper joins the Springfield police. Open a Greek yoghurt produced in Getafe and read at the top that has touched a De Lorean DMC-12, Fluzo with capacitor and all. Immediately the car keys displayed on the coffee table beside the plate of sausages that have taken many by dinner. The promoters of the contest, very cleverly, traveled through time to the future and found that I had touched you, and to impress, they prepared everything to give you the prize as soon as you discovered.
As you have nothing better to do on the weekend, you decide to give one volt of the Lord in those years, proving that yes, you have enough energy to return.
decide to go to the Middle Ages, because you expect them to call your car "iron horse" to comment on your clothing and, in short, easy to impress the locals. The goal is to become the benchmark for the arts, sciences and letters, the kings will seek advice and help them to solve their daily problems with your superior knowledge about everything.
Okay, I had good papers where prosperous cities and castles with me forever there in your car. The De Lorean, travels back in time, but not in space. When you arrive at your destination, put the date, and follow the procedure has been n times on TV.
First crap. You've made the mistake of traveling in the night time and you put the same arrival time. In the sixteenth century, at night, is not a preppy. Of course, the stars are happy to see them and feel the need to take a picture, but do not want to waste battery when maybe you can impress a girl with your Pentax 80 euros.
cover the car with branches because that is what made McFly in the movie, and sleep in the car thinking about the fantastic adventures that you will live. The De Lorean car proves to be an extremely disgusting to sleep.
Dawn, you're willing to go to the castle, introduce the King to tell the whole bit, take a picture, stay with staff and begin to direct the world.
Second shit. The De Lorean is not the most appropriate vehicle to circulate through the winding medieval lanes. Note to self: next time in a Land Rover. Overall, you'll walk away.
You reach the castle gate, the guards tell them you're a wizard who hallucinate and you want to see the King. To his disbelief will you take a picture with flash and 10 minutes and have the King watching with wide eyes. Le samples in the 2.5-inch display the photos you just do, and also some pictures of you with your colleagues in the XXI century. Accounts that can help you with your kingdom and that, apart from a degree course you've done marketing, team management, and master the social networks.
King flips, of course, and let go, well, point-blank: "Okay male, what can you do for my kingdom?"
And now is when you start typing what developments would be able to implement some degree of success if it suddenly appeared in the Middle Ages, and no more tools than you brainy and your desire to impress the girls / boys?
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Northface Breast Cancer Jacket
snow to be made that public transport lower unemployment
snow to be made that public transport
make another wildcat strike to resign ZP
What do lesbian Belén Esteban That
That Infanta Elena marries Prince Albert of Monaco
That Gallardón remodel M40
That Gasol becomes astronaut
Let there be a Big Brother
murder That Chavez ordered the U.S. invasion That
Fernando Alonso wins the Nobel Prize for Literature
To discover the cure for cancer
Sara Carbonero That pose in Playboy
chopped ball legalizing the death penalty
That the Pope goes to Morocco ...
Bring in whatever ... but stop talking and the damn game yesterday!!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Parts For Regal Kitchen Pro Breadmaker #k6743s
This week they attended some events and news that, months after my last post, have awakened in me the need to write again in this our blog.
This week they attended some events and news that, months after my last post, have awakened in me the need to write again in this our blog.
First, on Wednesday, Milan got a goal in blatant offside almost gave the victory against Real Madrid. Offside could see clearly that anyone who had access to a television. Similarly, Agüero achieved both in the field of Rosenborg which gave the victory in those lands to Atletico Madrid. For more derision, at halftime of both parties showed an ad of UEFA in announcing the new goal of arbitrators: 5 referees are better than 1 ...
good, not always ...

But no, this post is not heat the room facing the derby tomorrow, no. The third news is that I launched today at the keyboard: SAR modernizes and changes the odd spelling of the rule of life. Regardless of whether or not we agree with the new rules, (some of them seem to me unfortunate and outrageous) the really interesting news is its ability to change and everyone has them to bear. Something that in football, even if you try, it proves impossible, thanks to an ancient organization that is supported by a regulatory body is absurd as International Board.
And I say ... What if ...?
- assistants are deleted after three field umpires life. Or fourth official, goal judges or milk or anything. Only one, which will serve as interlocutor with the players, if necessary, identifying breaches of regulations. His assistant, banner in hand, as all life, will tell you throw-ins and offsides.
- It includes a TV judge . It could be a referee either, watching TV at home or in the same stadium, reserved area and without pressure from fans. It will support the chief judge in case of doubt or protest. Capacity
- captain a team to formally protest . Similarly to the players, with its "Hawkeye", each team will have 3 chances to protest a decision they consider wrong. The television umpire will decide if the field was wrong or not, in view of television pictures, which will be transmitted at the same time the stadium scoreboards. The decision was announced over the stadium PA system, so that all the public knows it. If the protest does not get the change in the decision of the arbitrator in the field, will be deducted from each team locker protests. Otherwise, keep that value.
- 3 After completing the mandatory protests, the team that made it so you can continue protesting but if it were to protest unjust, will be punished with a penalty against .
- Only the captain of each team may approach the referee to protest. Any other player who will try automatically expelled.
- The match will be played stopped clock, like all sports in the world (by God! How not done this years ago !!!), ie stops whenever the ball is in play. The management responsibility of the judge watch television and can be followed by the scoreboards. This eliminates the discount, the loss of time for fake injuries, etc ...
Six rules, zero investment. Would end the controversy. Would end the sense of theft. Ended with the "mischief" of the simulation. Game fairer, more just result.
What do you think? Hala, hala, comment ...
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Things To Do With You 11 Year Old Sister
From slate to iPad
Years ago I took for think of the huge gap between my parents' generation and mine, when analyzing the overall differences in the way of life: education, housing, work, leisure, etc. and without going into technical details. As it happens, not very particular that my parents are from a rural environment, so the differences he perceived between his childhood and youth it seemed to me enormous, and provided for my children, when they did, would have a much longer life like mine.
The house of my paternal grandparents, in its infancy, had dirt floors, barn, had no bathroom and the patio was a small barn that housed the transportation of my grandfather: a donkey. The case of my grandparents is quite different, so I obviaré because I illustrates the quantum leap of generations.
My father saw the arrival of electricity, went to school with a slate (a contraption made of real slate , would say the Vip's, with a capacity of about 20 bytes pulling from the top). Of course there were just toys, few streets were paved, if not any, and all the people had two or three cars, one of my maternal grandfather.
So I imagined that my children would play with toys similar to mine, that would go to school and have classes organized by age, that cars in the streets would be like me, who would see pictures on TV y. .. wait, not so fast.
My generation has seen the advent of home computers, the birth of the Internet, you could almost equate to the arrival of electricity at the time. I remember a friend told how I lived through the advent of electricity at home with their parents "the light was very dim, and it was like a miracle." Something I have to explain in a few years, while trying to connect with my 56k modem, making a phone call, the miracle of real-time chat with someone from Australia and hallucinatory email. (I was a little obsessed with having an email account as soon as he saw that Compuserve addresses were a mixture of numbers and letters that would eventually have
Actually, and removing the technology, little has changed between my generation and the next. We could add a few touches of notions of security and hygiene, why confine children to play in controlled spaces and under adult supervision, that what they see on TV are also toys (the toy Mazinger Z is could be sold, Holy God) and little else.
Those of my generation, and has written much about it, we lived not only the arrival of the Internet, mobile, pasteurized milk, the bollicao, breakfast cereals, the super-glue, hypermarkets, living on the outskirts of cities, immigration, highways ... ie, that at some point in our lives, all that did not exist. The first Ecuadorian I knew was, and is an electronics engineer.
What about technology? Is not that enough change? Yes it is. The pasteurized milk seems silly, but I've gone to buy milk at a dairy, and have given me so straight from the cow had to be boiled. And when selling at the supermarket, you had to go soon because if not exhausted, because of course, was milk a day. I've also seen it with my own eyes, very young, yes, how some women in the village of my parents in the public laundry washing, it seems to me something almost nineteenth century.
may or may not, that technology will change everything. Since then, my son 6 years ago as I was doing homework, (your professor has spent 20 years in the subject and I think it has made few innovations of Me). Of course, adorned with images related duties that sack of Google Images. Is the child who makes the copy & paste ... good, also the plug the router, turn on the PC, open Chrome, type the search terms and select "Pictures." Nonsense, of course, but I will owe 100% hand made, and it was late when I introduced the typewriter.
Actually this post was more an open question does technology has changed everything and so much?
Years ago I took for think of the huge gap between my parents' generation and mine, when analyzing the overall differences in the way of life: education, housing, work, leisure, etc. and without going into technical details. As it happens, not very particular that my parents are from a rural environment, so the differences he perceived between his childhood and youth it seemed to me enormous, and provided for my children, when they did, would have a much longer life like mine.
The house of my paternal grandparents, in its infancy, had dirt floors, barn, had no bathroom and the patio was a small barn that housed the transportation of my grandfather: a donkey. The case of my grandparents is quite different, so I obviaré because I illustrates the quantum leap of generations.
My father saw the arrival of electricity, went to school with a slate (a contraption made of real slate , would say the Vip's, with a capacity of about 20 bytes pulling from the top). Of course there were just toys, few streets were paved, if not any, and all the people had two or three cars, one of my maternal grandfather.
So I imagined that my children would play with toys similar to mine, that would go to school and have classes organized by age, that cars in the streets would be like me, who would see pictures on TV y. .. wait, not so fast.
My generation has seen the advent of home computers, the birth of the Internet, you could almost equate to the arrival of electricity at the time. I remember a friend told how I lived through the advent of electricity at home with their parents "the light was very dim, and it was like a miracle." Something I have to explain in a few years, while trying to connect with my 56k modem, making a phone call, the miracle of real-time chat with someone from Australia and hallucinatory email. (I was a little obsessed with having an email account as soon as he saw that Compuserve addresses were a mixture of numbers and letters that would eventually have
Actually, and removing the technology, little has changed between my generation and the next. We could add a few touches of notions of security and hygiene, why confine children to play in controlled spaces and under adult supervision, that what they see on TV are also toys (the toy Mazinger Z is could be sold, Holy God) and little else.
Those of my generation, and has written much about it, we lived not only the arrival of the Internet, mobile, pasteurized milk, the bollicao, breakfast cereals, the super-glue, hypermarkets, living on the outskirts of cities, immigration, highways ... ie, that at some point in our lives, all that did not exist. The first Ecuadorian I knew was, and is an electronics engineer.
What about technology? Is not that enough change? Yes it is. The pasteurized milk seems silly, but I've gone to buy milk at a dairy, and have given me so straight from the cow had to be boiled. And when selling at the supermarket, you had to go soon because if not exhausted, because of course, was milk a day. I've also seen it with my own eyes, very young, yes, how some women in the village of my parents in the public laundry washing, it seems to me something almost nineteenth century.
may or may not, that technology will change everything. Since then, my son 6 years ago as I was doing homework, (your professor has spent 20 years in the subject and I think it has made few innovations of Me). Of course, adorned with images related duties that sack of Google Images. Is the child who makes the copy & paste ... good, also the plug the router, turn on the PC, open Chrome, type the search terms and select "Pictures." Nonsense, of course, but I will owe 100% hand made, and it was late when I introduced the typewriter.
Actually this post was more an open question does technology has changed everything and so much?
Monday, October 25, 2010
Hot Showers Sebacious Glands
Dedicated to Gerardo ... Almost Happy Birthday Sharks have killed
Uncle, I could not help thinking of you as you read these words. Your advice - "Always be grateful, is the most important" . It is possible the best advice any head, and now friend has ever given me ... Thank you very much for being you.
"Throughout your life work there will be many more people than you do well that you damaged. Human nature gives to remember more of the latter than the former, and sometimes for reasons bastard.
The vain, because he refuses to admit his debt with someone, or another than he has contributed to its success . The bitter, because it takes offense please. And the proud, because it associates appreciation gift weakness, and can not allow himself to be weak.
The appreciation is only admit someone helped you and therefore feel indebted to him, but that debt, for one reason or another, can never be satisfied.
never returns good for evil, nor have the least scruple to show your appreciation . And I have made focus to 'prove' it does little good to be grateful and not to show it.
Outside of work follows the same rule. "
Uncle, I could not help thinking of you as you read these words. Your advice - "Always be grateful, is the most important" . It is possible the best advice any head, and now friend has ever given me ... Thank you very much for being you.
"Throughout your life work there will be many more people than you do well that you damaged. Human nature gives to remember more of the latter than the former, and sometimes for reasons bastard.
The vain, because he refuses to admit his debt with someone, or another than he has contributed to its success . The bitter, because it takes offense please. And the proud, because it associates appreciation gift weakness, and can not allow himself to be weak.
The appreciation is only admit someone helped you and therefore feel indebted to him, but that debt, for one reason or another, can never be satisfied.
never returns good for evil, nor have the least scruple to show your appreciation . And I have made focus to 'prove' it does little good to be grateful and not to show it.
Outside of work follows the same rule. "
Miguel Angel Bañuelos
sharks have died (but have not noticed)
Principle 23. Be thankful, however high your position, always will you owe someone a favor.
sharks have died (but have not noticed)
Principle 23. Be thankful, however high your position, always will you owe someone a favor.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Dahvie Vanity With Short Hair
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION. Establishing a quality mark SCHOOL SEAL 2.0. WE ALL
Applications for the grant of the mark must be filed with the Registry of the Ministry of Education (c / Los Madrazo, 15-17, 28014 Madrid), The deadline to resolve and report requests will be six months from the date on which the application has been entered in the register of the Ministry of Education.
SEAL The seal of quality SCHOOL 2.0 may be granted to any company or entity, public or private, to take a firm and unequivocal commitment to the development and improvement of educational quality through the use of ICT, as well as products and marketing services which serve such objectives.
Applications for the grant of the mark must be filed with the Registry of the Ministry of Education (c / Los Madrazo, 15-17, 28014 Madrid), The deadline to resolve and report requests will be six months from the date on which the application has been entered in the register of the Ministry of Education.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Average Breast Images
INNOVATIVE. Innovation Projects guidelines.
How do I know if educational innovation?
How do I know if educational innovation?
How do I prove to the world that innovates?, What indicators are those that differentiate one from another innovative teacher? How innovated know if a lot or little?
So far, my concern is based on innovation, try to improve education without a trace of that work, but if he wanted to introduce an award for educational innovation, or the entity I work for decides to advertise for workers innovate against those who do not innovate. How do I show?
So far, my concern is based on innovation, try to improve education without a trace of that work, but if he wanted to introduce an award for educational innovation, or the entity I work for decides to advertise for workers innovate against those who do not innovate. How do I show?
Ikea Stranne Table Lamp Bulbs
The English Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR ) created in 2000 the Standardization Technical Committee AEN / CTN 166 on research, technological development and innovation ( I + D + i ) . This committee was established with relevant professionals in the field of I + D + i , business representatives, public organizations, universities, research institutes, business associations, etc.
UNE 166000:2006 . Management R & D + i : Terminology and Definitions activities I + D + i .
UNE 166001:2006 . Management R & D + i : Requirements of a draft I + D + i . The goal is to help organizations to systematize, define, document and develop projects I + D + i .
UNE 166002:2006 . Management R & D + i : Requirements for a management system I + D + i . Provides guidelines for the effective implementation of a management system I + D + i .
The English Association for Standardization and Certification (AENOR ) created in 2000 the Standardization Technical Committee AEN / CTN 166 on research, technological development and innovation ( I + D + i ) . This committee was established with relevant professionals in the field of I + D + i , business representatives, public organizations, universities, research institutes, business associations, etc.
The entity has published a set of rules UNE 166000 on various activities related to the I + D + i .
These include:
The standard UNE 166000 is recognized by major national organizations that evaluate projects (CDTI , MCYT , etc).
certification to these standards demonstrates that the organization invests in I + D + i and properly managed.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Katres Playground Pierced
the other day I was at the bus stop tinkering with the iPhone took me to see how the respective transport to arrive, when ... and not quite sure why ... I look at the photo of the marquee ... announcement is a new book "Sharks have died (but have not noticed) 115 principles to survive in a hostile world truth that I find a book interesting, as that morning I I bought it and which devour half the afternoon ...
may well be, instead of a book, a few tips to get out on the last page of newspapers for 115 days collecting a "thought / advice" to date, but not a bad idea to compile for people who are not accustomed to having every day a newspaper with them and about the same every day.
I must admit that I think that in these times, this book should be compulsory reading at the time that some "jerk" or not appointed by some kind of authority and responsibility ... but not just to read it, but also will consider the matter of it ...
Nothing else, just to recommend this book easy and quick read and can do a little better in your work or even in your everyday life.
Monday, August 2, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
How Long Is The Average Neck On A Female?
. Gora San Fermin
A San Fermín
ask to be our patron,
guide us in confinement
giving us his blessing.
La la la la ne ne or
ta ta ti ti your tuuuu
la la la na na na
ne ne ne neo to toooo
Viva San
Fermín! Viva!
Gora San Fermin! Gora!
A San Fermín
ask to be our patron,
guide us in confinement
giving us his blessing.
La la la la ne ne or
ta ta ti ti your tuuuu
la la la na na na
ne ne ne neo to toooo
Viva San
Fermín! Viva!
Gora San Fermin! Gora!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Where In Nyc Can I Buy Paraffin Wax
Virginia Congratulations!
Forty years
Forty years
and I just realized that
ever in this time I had written
a poem.
but solvable,
your brother back to the keyboard,
put this in your collection
because it is your gift.
"were born" before I
was a great year.
And you were a blessing
family dad and mom is worried
that ate them.
I went opening the road, smashing ashtrays
"I have not been, it The child was "
" For the guilt of Gerardo "
you realize that I was not your opponent
that wherever you wanted
hours to the point of sick leave
all your effort to reach the final.
So did you get your physical
your master quality Adrian you led
rode BMWs
vintage stores and have just begun to explore
your potential.
Today I tell you, sister
admire you, really, you were always
mirror where I was going to look
and that by failing to recognize
avoided only compare
it overwhelms me
intentarte overcome.
As I once told
a special person,
this is all I have
you can not buy,
so accept the gift,
and you tell me what this ...
Many kisses beautiful!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Blueprint For Kitchen Island
Friendface and Cristina
In the series "IT Crowd "is a funny parody of Facebook called Friendface of wise vision. Apart from the expected situations posed by a network, sometimes think of other that are directly impossible.
Yes, I admit, I too have made friends a fellow of the institute of which I have not heard in 20 years or more. Since we are friends, the only thing that unites us is a pointer to a database that says my friend. Well okay, that's good.
Recently, Facebook, which also has its charms, is suggesting that I make my next lady friend (true):
In the series "IT Crowd "is a funny parody of Facebook called Friendface of wise vision. Apart from the expected situations posed by a network, sometimes think of other that are directly impossible.
Yes, I admit, I too have made friends a fellow of the institute of which I have not heard in 20 years or more. Since we are friends, the only thing that unites us is a pointer to a database that says my friend. Well okay, that's good.
Recently, Facebook, which also has its charms, is suggesting that I make my next lady friend (true):
I assure you I do not know anything, but Facebook has long stressed and I'm starting to get a little nervous. Typically in these cases is to be the friend of one of my contacts. But, in fact it always happens.
In this case, Dona Cristina, which is the name of the creature, has no apparent link with me. To begin with, are not registered mutual friends, and in fact I'm willing to bet that has no link whatsoever. I tried to browse among their friends in an error if Facebook does not show common, but it has 700 friends how strange! and I'm excited to review all messages.
Do we share a page? Have you Spotify list? "Facebook password? Is the sum of its name, if will assign a number to each letter, agrees with that result in my case?
Girl, I feel (much) but I do not fall, I think you're a Facebook error code, what can we do.
Any hints?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Pokemons Emblems Ragnarok
admin admin
Reset the router, give me a new IP and tell me what about if I write in the browser's IP with a higher number down? Four or five tries later, voilà! I slip into the router from a complete stranger who could erasing the data connection and force him to watch TV the rest of the night.
This reminds me when the friends of an ISP (whose name I will not reveal), I was told that 60% of email passwords coincide with the user name. In this long ago, of course. I guess things have changed and no longer allow certain excesses.
For now, the router itself that let you configure admin admin rescued, and the evidence I refer.
Yes, I know, I am a second-rate hacker.
Reset the router, give me a new IP and tell me what about if I write in the browser's IP with a higher number down? Four or five tries later, voilà! I slip into the router from a complete stranger who could erasing the data connection and force him to watch TV the rest of the night.
This reminds me when the friends of an ISP (whose name I will not reveal), I was told that 60% of email passwords coincide with the user name. In this long ago, of course. I guess things have changed and no longer allow certain excesses.
For now, the router itself that let you configure admin admin rescued, and the evidence I refer.
Yes, I know, I am a second-rate hacker.
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Google teams up with Intel and Sony to launch TV with Internet
After study by the European Interactive Advertising Association , which reflected data that Internet consumption exceeded the consumption of television in Spain, this news is not surprising. Manufacturers with their products meet requirements, detect early gives them advantage in selling a new product or a utility model of an existing one, as is the case at hand. From this new point of view, for manufacturers, Internet, far from being an enemy just became an ally.
From the point of view of education this means that Internet content massify further and give schools the ability to access their services from the Internet will be short-term imperative. On the other hand our students live online Internet constantly leaving to be a resource to become a medium of education. Here you can read the full story
Intel Anthropologists have walked by private homes and shops around the globe to find out what the appliance that puts more people missing. They were surprised as there was a matching response: a cable that will connect Internet on your TV. Google will present in San Francisco at its meeting of developers I / O, to be held on Wednesday. If anyone thought that digital terrestrial television (DTT) was here currency, you should know: TDT was only an advance that late. The future, despite the secrecy of the great search engine, is an open system to install Internet into your TV and remote control, be it whatever.
SOURCE: El Pais 18/05/2010
After study by the European Interactive Advertising Association , which reflected data that Internet consumption exceeded the consumption of television in Spain, this news is not surprising. Manufacturers with their products meet requirements, detect early gives them advantage in selling a new product or a utility model of an existing one, as is the case at hand. From this new point of view, for manufacturers, Internet, far from being an enemy just became an ally.
From the point of view of education this means that Internet content massify further and give schools the ability to access their services from the Internet will be short-term imperative. On the other hand our students live online Internet constantly leaving to be a resource to become a medium of education. Here you can read the full story
Intel Anthropologists have walked by private homes and shops around the globe to find out what the appliance that puts more people missing. They were surprised as there was a matching response: a cable that will connect Internet on your TV. Google will present in San Francisco at its meeting of developers I / O, to be held on Wednesday. If anyone thought that digital terrestrial television (DTT) was here currency, you should know: TDT was only an advance that late. The future, despite the secrecy of the great search engine, is an open system to install Internet into your TV and remote control, be it whatever.
SOURCE: El Pais 18/05/2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
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Wednesday, May 5, 2010
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CREATING LEARNING. Colegio San Gregorio, ICT experiences. Primary Education.
El Colegio San Gregorio, in his firm commitment to convert to new technologies in a basic teaching tool to improve understanding and motivation of students, supports teachers by their experiences as a first step in developing an ICT Programme Center, allowing us to take full advantage of new technologies in learning.
This time, David Villalba, a professor of Elementary Education, has developed interactive materials with their students.
David explains as surge la idea de realizar esta experiencia que combina el juego y el aprendizaje, para hacer divertida la asignatura: "Hemos utilizado un juego que podemos considerar tradicional para nuestros alumnos, como es el Trivial, para aprender de forma divertida. Los propios alumnos han creado una presentación interactiva sobre un tema, La Energía, de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio. De esta forma hemos combinado, de forma divertida, el aprendizaje de la propia asignatura con las nuevas tecnologías, como herramienta de creación de contenidos educativos.
view the presentation without interactive elements
El Colegio San Gregorio, in his firm commitment to convert to new technologies in a basic teaching tool to improve understanding and motivation of students, supports teachers by their experiences as a first step in developing an ICT Programme Center, allowing us to take full advantage of new technologies in learning.
This time, David Villalba, a professor of Elementary Education, has developed interactive materials with their students.
David explains as surge la idea de realizar esta experiencia que combina el juego y el aprendizaje, para hacer divertida la asignatura: "Hemos utilizado un juego que podemos considerar tradicional para nuestros alumnos, como es el Trivial, para aprender de forma divertida. Los propios alumnos han creado una presentación interactiva sobre un tema, La Energía, de la asignatura Conocimiento del Medio. De esta forma hemos combinado, de forma divertida, el aprendizaje de la propia asignatura con las nuevas tecnologías, como herramienta de creación de contenidos educativos.
view the presentation without interactive elements
Monday, May 3, 2010
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HALL BLOG. Colegio San Gregorio, ICT experiences. Primary Education. CREATIVE COMMONS licenses
El Colegio San Gregorio, in its firm commitment to convert to new technologies in a basic teaching tool to improve understanding and motivation of learners' experiences supported by their teachers, as a first step in developing an ICT Programme Centre, which can take advantage full advantage of new technologies in learning.
This time, Javier Ramos, a professor of Elementary Education, conducted a classroom blog as a complement to the work submitted by students @ s in the contest ONCE. Javier explains how the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a classroom blog:
"As each course was called once again the School Contest ONCE, which aims to bring awareness and visually handicapped students.
this year was focused on the issue of the barriers that disabled people are in their day to day.
is the time to bring this to the classroom when the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a blog where we can share our ideas and feelings about disability and the barriers that these people are. Taking advantage of the possibility that new technologies offer us in the classroom work
...." more information click HERE
El Colegio San Gregorio, in its firm commitment to convert to new technologies in a basic teaching tool to improve understanding and motivation of learners' experiences supported by their teachers, as a first step in developing an ICT Programme Centre, which can take advantage full advantage of new technologies in learning.
This time, Javier Ramos, a professor of Elementary Education, conducted a classroom blog as a complement to the work submitted by students @ s in the contest ONCE. Javier explains how the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a classroom blog:
"As each course was called once again the School Contest ONCE, which aims to bring awareness and visually handicapped students.
this year was focused on the issue of the barriers that disabled people are in their day to day.
is the time to bring this to the classroom when the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a blog where we can share our ideas and feelings about disability and the barriers that these people are. Taking advantage of the possibility that new technologies offer us in the classroom work
...." more information click HERE
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Creative Commons is a non-governmental, non-profit organization that develops plans to help reduce legal barriers to creativity, through new legislation and new technologies. It was founded by Lawrence Lessig, law professor at Stanford University and a specialist in cyberlaw, who presided until March 2008.
Creative Commons (in English: "creative commons") is also the name given to the licenses developed by this organization.
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Sunday, April 25, 2010
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A blog friend: Subjective Observer
I add to my list of links on the new blog of my good friend George, who took the opportunity to welcome to the blogosphere.
I invite you to follow the evolution of their concerns:
While not write about "Barca" ... hehehehe ...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
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this story from the point of view of education implies a change both in communication and learning of our students.
Schools and teachers who work in them, we must understand that in terms of Internet and education we should not speak of the future but present. From this point of view, the tools that a school can offer its students in the network of networks, begin to be important in the process of identifying students with their college / institute. The virtual tutorials, slates and digital books are ways of connecting with our students to improve their learning and now additional means in the short term will become essential.
From here I leave you with the news that certifies this fact.
"With 13.6 hours of weekly consumption compared to the 13 dedicated to television
BY SPANISH (Source: European Interactive Advertising Association )
· data rank Spain as the fifth European country in which more hours are devoted to internet
· Dedicate also more time to connect to the Internet from anywhere and at any time (5.5 hours per week) than reading the paper (4.6 hours) and magazines (3.6 hours)
• The increase of people who prefer the laptop the desktop is driving the convergence of media
• Currently there are 121 million Europeans with wireless connection - in Spain is 10 million
· English 2.3 million access the Internet from mobile devices every week
· The Eastern European markets are a good opportunity for advertisers at the time of capture the attention of users through mobile phone
Madrid, February 23, 2010 - The European Interactive Advertising Association (IALS) has released today the results of the seventh edition of his study Mediascope Europe, which consolidated Internet as the most 'used' by the English, surpassing even television . Technological innovation along with the many options for users to connect to the network managed to increase significantly the use of Internet in Spain to the 13.6 hours per week, compared with 13 hours devoted to television. This figure puts us further as the fifth European country with more Internet use.
Mediascope Europe 2010 study of the IALS, expanded this year to 15 European markets, but also emphasizes how consumers are more open to new ways in which to enjoy the Internet and how this new trend is affecting their daily lives. And most consumers have been given a chance to connect to the Internet through their mobile devices (48% vs 46%), while growth in the use of broadband and wireless laptops have shown how the great diversity of using Internet-enabled devices is enabling consumers to stay connected at any time of day and from anywhere.
In total, 2.3 million English (71 million Europeans) Internet browsing via mobile devices every week and spend nearly 5.5 hours a week to connect through these devices (6.4 hours per week in Europe) "Internet mobility" thus becomes the favorite pastime of the English rather than read the newspaper (4.6 hours) and magazines (3.6 hours).
English Youth have been the early adopters of this new trend and this has led to an increase in the number of young people aged 16-24, with 14% and 12% aged 25-34, who Internet use on mobile devices , men being major users. This upward trend - including consumers - seem to spend time online collaboration to improve coverage, speed and Internet services. Therefore, advertisers can verify that consumers are increasingly familiar with the Internet access from any point or place and use these data to develop new strategies for multimedia marketing.
Internet as entertainment and a tool that makes life easier
Internet continues to demonstrate its capability as a popular source of entertainment for consumers: 24% of the English (25% in Europe) plays, 34% (25% Europeans) listens to the radio through network and 46% (32% in Europe), watch movies, TV or videos online at least once a month. With nearly a quarter of Europeans (29%) following closely brands thanks to the internet, the latter not only used as a channel for entertainment, but also as a functional. Also, the high percentage reflects the high level of connection-both emotionally and rationally have reached users. For those English who have a wireless Internet connection, 74% connect to social networks, 82% carry some kind of search and 85% use their email via mobile at least once a month . This shows that these via online connections, are technologically sophisticated and deeply committed - proving that this is a great opportunity for advertisers to create brand image and to make recommendations online.
addition, the "word of mouth [1] over the Internet continues to play an important role for communication, with a high percentage of English users - 85% (for Europe only 71%) - admitting that hold much more in touch with family and friends from using the Internet.
Again, the motive appears to be the great engine, as almost half of Europeans (48% [2]) and Spain twice as many users, up to 24% - have access to their phones with internet connection for much more than keep a simple phone conversation. Have tripled to 12% of English users who claim to communicate via social networks from your mobile, and 75% through instant messaging (in Europe by 16% in both cases). Advertisers can benefit from the need, increasingly, consumers and be constantly entertained and actualizadando their profiles and activities in their social networks, and use this to plan media campaigns that capture the attention of consumers across multiple platforms. 10 things
online through the most popular mobile
Europe Spain
access websites 48% 24%
Bluetooth ; ; 41% 66%
Send / receive emails 38% 29%
Instant Messaging 16% 75%
Buscadores 18% 16%
Downloading Applications , 22% 16%
Social Networks ; 16% 12%
watching videos / films / TV shows online 16% 11%
Publicidad Online ; , 10% 15%
Download videos / movies / TV found 10% 7%
The convergence between media
The convergence of media is rising because The study shows that 21% of English Internet users watch television while connected, up 6% from the previous year . In the case of Europe the figure is also evident, hinting at a third of Europeans (30%). Taking into account the latest technological advances, such as Netbooks, the tablets or the new iPad, "that nearly half
the hogares europeos(un 41% en España y un 47% en Europa) ya tiene al menos un ordenador portátil, y que 121 millones de europeos (10 millones en España, un 11% más que el año pasado) usan banda ancha inalámbrica; el aumento de la movilidad y la convergencia parece inevitable. Los anunciantes ya no deben mirar a los medios de comunicación de forma aislada, sino más bien adoptarlos en conjunto como una sola tendencia, y aprovechar la riqueza y diversidad de oportunidades que ofrece a la publicidad...."
MÁS INFORMACIÓN EN Asociación Europea de Publicidad Interactiva
this story from the point of view of education implies a change both in communication and learning of our students.
Schools and teachers who work in them, we must understand that in terms of Internet and education we should not speak of the future but present. From this point of view, the tools that a school can offer its students in the network of networks, begin to be important in the process of identifying students with their college / institute. The virtual tutorials, slates and digital books are ways of connecting with our students to improve their learning and now additional means in the short term will become essential.
From here I leave you with the news that certifies this fact.
"With 13.6 hours of weekly consumption compared to the 13 dedicated to television
BY SPANISH (Source: European Interactive Advertising Association )
· data rank Spain as the fifth European country in which more hours are devoted to internet
· Dedicate also more time to connect to the Internet from anywhere and at any time (5.5 hours per week) than reading the paper (4.6 hours) and magazines (3.6 hours)
• The increase of people who prefer the laptop the desktop is driving the convergence of media
• Currently there are 121 million Europeans with wireless connection - in Spain is 10 million
· English 2.3 million access the Internet from mobile devices every week
· The Eastern European markets are a good opportunity for advertisers at the time of capture the attention of users through mobile phone
Madrid, February 23, 2010 - The European Interactive Advertising Association (IALS) has released today the results of the seventh edition of his study Mediascope Europe, which consolidated Internet as the most 'used' by the English, surpassing even television . Technological innovation along with the many options for users to connect to the network managed to increase significantly the use of Internet in Spain to the 13.6 hours per week, compared with 13 hours devoted to television. This figure puts us further as the fifth European country with more Internet use.
Mediascope Europe 2010 study of the IALS, expanded this year to 15 European markets, but also emphasizes how consumers are more open to new ways in which to enjoy the Internet and how this new trend is affecting their daily lives. And most consumers have been given a chance to connect to the Internet through their mobile devices (48% vs 46%), while growth in the use of broadband and wireless laptops have shown how the great diversity of using Internet-enabled devices is enabling consumers to stay connected at any time of day and from anywhere.
In total, 2.3 million English (71 million Europeans) Internet browsing via mobile devices every week and spend nearly 5.5 hours a week to connect through these devices (6.4 hours per week in Europe) "Internet mobility" thus becomes the favorite pastime of the English rather than read the newspaper (4.6 hours) and magazines (3.6 hours).
English Youth have been the early adopters of this new trend and this has led to an increase in the number of young people aged 16-24, with 14% and 12% aged 25-34, who Internet use on mobile devices , men being major users. This upward trend - including consumers - seem to spend time online collaboration to improve coverage, speed and Internet services. Therefore, advertisers can verify that consumers are increasingly familiar with the Internet access from any point or place and use these data to develop new strategies for multimedia marketing.
Internet as entertainment and a tool that makes life easier
Internet continues to demonstrate its capability as a popular source of entertainment for consumers: 24% of the English (25% in Europe) plays, 34% (25% Europeans) listens to the radio through network and 46% (32% in Europe), watch movies, TV or videos online at least once a month. With nearly a quarter of Europeans (29%) following closely brands thanks to the internet, the latter not only used as a channel for entertainment, but also as a functional. Also, the high percentage reflects the high level of connection-both emotionally and rationally have reached users. For those English who have a wireless Internet connection, 74% connect to social networks, 82% carry some kind of search and 85% use their email via mobile at least once a month . This shows that these via online connections, are technologically sophisticated and deeply committed - proving that this is a great opportunity for advertisers to create brand image and to make recommendations online.
addition, the "word of mouth [1] over the Internet continues to play an important role for communication, with a high percentage of English users - 85% (for Europe only 71%) - admitting that hold much more in touch with family and friends from using the Internet.
Again, the motive appears to be the great engine, as almost half of Europeans (48% [2]) and Spain twice as many users, up to 24% - have access to their phones with internet connection for much more than keep a simple phone conversation. Have tripled to 12% of English users who claim to communicate via social networks from your mobile, and 75% through instant messaging (in Europe by 16% in both cases). Advertisers can benefit from the need, increasingly, consumers and be constantly entertained and actualizadando their profiles and activities in their social networks, and use this to plan media campaigns that capture the attention of consumers across multiple platforms. 10 things
online through the most popular mobile
Europe Spain
access websites 48% 24%
Bluetooth ; ; 41% 66%
Send / receive emails 38% 29%
Instant Messaging 16% 75%
Buscadores 18% 16%
Downloading Applications , 22% 16%
Social Networks ; 16% 12%
watching videos / films / TV shows online 16% 11%
Publicidad Online ; , 10% 15%
Download videos / movies / TV found 10% 7%
The convergence between media
The convergence of media is rising because The study shows that 21% of English Internet users watch television while connected, up 6% from the previous year . In the case of Europe the figure is also evident, hinting at a third of Europeans (30%). Taking into account the latest technological advances, such as Netbooks, the tablets or the new iPad, "that nearly half
the hogares europeos(un 41% en España y un 47% en Europa) ya tiene al menos un ordenador portátil, y que 121 millones de europeos (10 millones en España, un 11% más que el año pasado) usan banda ancha inalámbrica; el aumento de la movilidad y la convergencia parece inevitable. Los anunciantes ya no deben mirar a los medios de comunicación de forma aislada, sino más bien adoptarlos en conjunto como una sola tendencia, y aprovechar la riqueza y diversidad de oportunidades que ofrece a la publicidad...."
MÁS INFORMACIÓN EN Asociación Europea de Publicidad Interactiva
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
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What is "Cloud Computing"? Its effect on schools.
to schools means that in the near future no longer buy software licenses "software" but is paid for access to the programs that the center needed. The Cloud Computing for software companies is a decision as this is definitively ends with piracy of its programs for schools means paying for access, airtime, or both.
What is "Cloud Computing"? Advantages and disadvantages
"Cloud computing " (the English translation would be "cloud computing") is a technological trend that allows companies and users store their data in Internet servers instead of on your own PC.
- data, are in the "cloud" (Internet), although it is unknown exactly where is the information servers.
- The Internet user needs to have immediate access to your data: photos, documents, videos, audio files among others.
- Internet connection can be anywhere: home, work, airport, a friend's house, internet cafe, or many other places online. The concept involves "ALL available anywhere"
Using this concept, the textbook publishers are doing their digital offering. Ie digital textbooks are not purchased but will be paid by the student access to books. This change favors the business model of publishing than with the traditional textbook see a reduction in their sales when a student passed the course lets you book to another, this possibility with the Cloud Computing disappears.
Schools, therefore, must adapt their facilities to provide internet access in all classrooms to their students and they must have access at home. On the other hand, other schools use student management programs, in which use this technology generates mistrust and insecurity in terms of issues like data protection. Advantages
- cost savings for families, digital books are supposed to be cheaper.
- All information available with internet connection, anywhere
- do not need backups.
- software companies end up with hacking into their programs
- Depending on the connection, in rural areas, may be slow to access data from applications.
- data, projects and availability is in the hands of others. It is true that SMEs and users, this problem is minor.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
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Pica. Mobile Learning College
dell Within Sc @ ut project presents Pica platform designed to create suitable learning activities for students with special educational needs
Sc @ ut project is a research project that aims to improve the communication skills of the group of people with special educational needs. The premises on which part of this initiative are the search for an alternative communication adaptive system that meets the following aspects: Improving
- personal autonomy: that is portable and compact.
- Low cost.
- Make it easy to learn and intuitive interface.
- Facilitate the educational work of teachers and parents. That
- to analyze student performance.
Source: Portal Sc @ ut
Monday, March 1, 2010
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Families San Gregorio receive the notes of their children via email and SMS.
De the Hera said, "We believe the relationship with family is one of the key elements for a successful educational process, being fundamental in our understanding of education."
El Colegio San Gregorio, Ntra. Mrs. Compassion has introduced a new notification service notes.
E l Director of the Centre, D. Miguel de la Hera Roldán, presented this form of online communication notes and explained that new technologies along with the language and academic quality should be a reference for future education.
This new service will first be used in early March, coinciding with the end of the second evaluation in the middle school and for the first time, be generalized. The goal is combine the speed and immediacy of the quantitative information received via SMS, with qualitative information to provide personalized meetings delivery of letters, which are traditionally done on site.
El Colegio San Gregorio, Ntra. Mrs. Compassion is currently developing educational programs such as the Official Bilingualism in Board of Castile and Leon, in place since 2006 with excellent results in external tests that are conducted by University of Cambridge. Also of note is the program of extracurricular activities, primary followed by more than 70% of the students, a program that promotes the language and sport as a supplement to school activity.
Menesiano Centre de Aguilar, now also becomes a leader in the use of new technologies, as a communication tool with families.
Area of \u200b\u200bNew Communication Technologies and
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