Friday, December 10, 2010

What Do You Need To Build A Caravel Ship

your turn to write to you ... Whatever

're dining while viewing, for the fifty-fourth time, the Simpsons episode where Santa's Little Helper joins the Springfield police. Open a Greek yoghurt produced in Getafe and read at the top that has touched a De Lorean DMC-12, Fluzo with capacitor and all. Immediately the car keys displayed on the coffee table beside the plate of sausages that have taken many by dinner. The promoters of the contest, very cleverly, traveled through time to the future and found that I had touched you, and to impress, they prepared everything to give you the prize as soon as you discovered.

As you have nothing better to do on the weekend, you decide to give one volt of the Lord in those years, proving that yes, you have enough energy to return.

decide to go to the Middle Ages, because you expect them to call your car "iron horse" to comment on your clothing and, in short, easy to impress the locals. The goal is to become the benchmark for the arts, sciences and letters, the kings will seek advice and help them to solve their daily problems with your superior knowledge about everything.

Okay, I had good papers where prosperous cities and castles with me forever there in your car. The De Lorean, travels back in time, but not in space. When you arrive at your destination, put the date, and follow the procedure has been n times on TV.

First crap. You've made the mistake of traveling in the night time and you put the same arrival time. In the sixteenth century, at night, is not a preppy. Of course, the stars are happy to see them and feel the need to take a picture, but do not want to waste battery when maybe you can impress a girl with your Pentax 80 euros.

cover the car with branches because that is what made McFly in the movie, and sleep in the car thinking about the fantastic adventures that you will live. The De Lorean car proves to be an extremely disgusting to sleep.

Dawn, you're willing to go to the castle, introduce the King to tell the whole bit, take a picture, stay with staff and begin to direct the world.

Second shit. The De Lorean is not the most appropriate vehicle to circulate through the winding medieval lanes. Note to self: next time in a Land Rover. Overall, you'll walk away.

You reach the castle gate, the guards tell them you're a wizard who hallucinate and you want to see the King. To his disbelief will you take a picture with flash and 10 minutes and have the King watching with wide eyes. Le samples in the 2.5-inch display the photos you just do, and also some pictures of you with your colleagues in the XXI century. Accounts that can help you with your kingdom and that, apart from a degree course you've done marketing, team management, and master the social networks.

King flips, of course, and let go, well, point-blank: "Okay male, what can you do for my kingdom?"

And now is when you start typing what developments would be able to implement some degree of success if it suddenly appeared in the Middle Ages, and no more tools than you brainy and your desire to impress the girls / boys?


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