Monday, May 3, 2010

Straight Sleeping Gay

HALL BLOG. Colegio San Gregorio, ICT experiences. Primary Education. CREATIVE COMMONS licenses

El Colegio San Gregorio, in its firm commitment to convert to new technologies in a basic teaching tool to improve understanding and motivation of learners' experiences supported by their teachers, as a first step in developing an ICT Programme Centre, which can take advantage full advantage of new technologies in learning.

This time, Javier Ramos, a professor of Elementary Education, conducted a classroom blog as a complement to the work submitted by students @ s in the contest ONCE. Javier explains how the idea of \u200b\u200bmaking a classroom blog:

"As each course was called once again the School Contest ONCE, which aims to bring awareness and visually handicapped students.
this year was focused on the issue of the barriers that disabled people are in their day to day.
is the time to bring this to the classroom when the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a blog where we can share our ideas and feelings about disability and the barriers that these people are. Taking advantage of the possibility that new technologies offer us in the classroom work

...." more information click HERE



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