But there are two facts that I have drawn wide attention, according to recent surveys (and a few seem to agree) there is evidence to say that the smoking population in Spain is about 25% and that smokers are decreasing year after year .
On the other hand, today I have seen in a morning news program (instead of coming on an exchange Matutano potatoes is that they throw early morning) that 55% of hotel establishments are laying off people because they have noticed a decline in sales of approximately 70% due to the absence of smoking on their premises.
Now, we are told, only 25% of the population smokes, but they say that because now you can not smoke in bars, you're missing 70% of revenue. Do you want us to believe that 25% of the English population is that 70% drink alcohol in this country? If so, the problem is not smoking, is that such poor shape that 25% have it all, just missing ailments also increased their consumption of drugs and crime and sandwiches everyone.
I am not a smoker and although I acknowledge that the snuff is harmful and I am delighted to see that I can enjoy a drink without smelling like smoke or toxic fumes swallow the other, but from there to demonize as is being done to the smoking population is a stretch.
A once and see if we are consistent with the numbers and make realistic studies without resorting to sensationalism or surrealist interpretations of the data presented more than strange.
soon (it will be the next group that touch manipulate) the bikers, those "crazy reckless" in the road ... and there they'll be going into the rag.
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