Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Spark Plug Wiring 2001 Mustang

In medieval house with a girl. Dance Party II

Lucia. I can not believe. I have the most beautiful woman in the world, perhaps in history, at home, waiting. I will get from the work and life that I have always dreamed of, next to a person simply outstanding. Lucia ... what nice rhymes come to my head with your name, what has risen purest feelings in me. All this time I knew I was born to bring you by my side and make you happy. Lucia ...

I come to the office and my colleagues noticed quite nervous. I guess they are not used to this smile I have been absurd in the face. I am completely happy and I can not hide. I have wanted to sing, to look at the sky and smile as did Gene Kelly in "Singing in the rain."

morning flies. I have not had time to chat with anyone but my friends already know you exist. Change my Facebook status, "in a relationship" I know how many will be happy about finally reading that ... And he left a cryptic note on Twitter: "Many years ago looked now dazzles ..."

speak with you every hour. I do not recognize my own voice, my excessive use of diminutives, my stuttering. My boss glances and smiles as recalling its most intense moments of courtship. Is determined, go to dinner, I need to see you, I need to feel.

I return to the metro. Do not leave my head. I see on all sides ... a moment ... that announcement of yogurt ... that smile ... Can it be Lucy? It's Lucy!! How is it possible?

took a picture with your mobile to the lineup of Danone and began walking toward home. I can not believe my girl has a perfect double medieval our time, I'll be surprised with the news.

open the door and heard the unmistakable dripping from the shower. My wife's past must continue obsessed with that sort of artificial rain between glass and porcelain as I said by telephone.

take this occasion to document a little more about the story of the metro: use Goggles to find the picture on the internet because these modern tools recognize faces better than a prosopagnosic like me. The search engine identifies as a Scottish model, Louise Parker ... step and show me some other images of "double" with the same clothes she should wear Lucia now in my shower. Very cute, but my wife is much more exuberant eternal.

I receive some messages on the phone: "Finally! Piter Congratulations !!!", "Someone is breaking into your Facebook account and I have spent a joke ...", "Call me NOW !!!"," Come Jazztel, for 9.95 Euros a month "...

Lucia leaves the bathroom, majestic. Modesty was not his time, clearly. He approaches me and, no matter the silk of my tie or moisture from your body, we embraced ardently. He showed the photo of Louise, his double, and his expression of surprise away, radiating concern. He goes into the room - "let me view for lunch" - and closes the door behind him.


(Original Idea Gorilla, reinvented by Diego)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Samsung Ml 1610 Turn Off Toner-save Mode

figures, strange conclusions

Recently, with the new smoking ban, we are hearing the news daily in all sorts of figures about the amount of cigarettes smoked per day on average, prices of snuff, the milligrams of smoke that is emitted into the atmosphere by smokers ...

But there are two facts that I have drawn wide attention, according to recent surveys (and a few seem to agree) there is evidence to say that the smoking population in Spain is about 25% and that smokers are decreasing year after year .
On the other hand, today I have seen in a morning news program (instead of coming on an exchange Matutano potatoes is that they throw early morning) that 55% of hotel establishments are laying off people because they have noticed a decline in sales of approximately 70% due to the absence of smoking on their premises.

Now, we are told, only 25% of the population smokes, but they say that because now you can not smoke in bars, you're missing 70% of revenue. Do you want us to believe that 25% of the English population is that 70% drink alcohol in this country? If so, the problem is not smoking, is that such poor shape that 25% have it all, just missing ailments also increased their consumption of drugs and crime and sandwiches everyone.

I am not a smoker and although I acknowledge that the snuff is harmful and I am delighted to see that I can enjoy a drink without smelling like smoke or toxic fumes swallow the other, but from there to demonize as is being done to the smoking population is a stretch.

A once and see if we are consistent with the numbers and make realistic studies without resorting to sensationalism or surrealist interpretations of the data presented more than strange.

soon (it will be the next group that touch manipulate) the bikers, those "crazy reckless" in the road ... and there they'll be going into the rag.

Monday, January 17, 2011

When Does Victoria Secret Drug Test

costs ... Management "?

premiere here in a day filled with astonishment and indignation lately and something that increasingly is spreading across the multitude of sites you can access to every kind of electronic money transaction through . Let's keep

One day you're in your job and you happen to want to buy a pair of tickets for you and your wonderful girlfriend and take her to a show, then think about going to the box office and buy them there but you the question arises that if you do it the traditional way, that means that there should be a building for which they pay rent, a number of people perform maintenance of the (lighting, repairs, cleaning ...) and at least one person attending the box office (until it becomes fashionable blockbuster robots will have to continue having a person there), this person must also entering the system, get your information, assign you a few locations (most times without being very clear if you are the best kind because the seller decides at its sole discretion and after a lengthy deliberation period of about 5 milliseconds) ... in short, a whole welter of associated costs which will no doubt apply the most basic logic, more expensive the price of these precious tickets. For

Moreover, if you use the latest technology that science has put at your disposal (this PIII with 256MB of RAM with a 64K ISDN you have as a job in the company while still in 2011), you can buy in a more quick entries, choosing the locations yourself and preventing the vendor needs a range of infrastructure and personnel to do so, making that saves many expenditures and only need their online server with software that bought 10 years ago and works just like then (just because it is just as bad, slow and is just as tedious to use that time because it has never been more maintenance to update the virus) without requiring of software that blew up himself and do nothing until you put all the data you need and choose the desired sites.
Determined, I opt for online shopping, which is more comfortable for them, for me, faster and cheaper insurance.

When you finish entering all the data after you have deleted form 3 times because you forgot to put the birth date of your favorite fish, the color of the bottom sheet of your grandmother and the power of the bulb Salon neighbor next door, you choose the sites from the 5 that are free (how can it be possible that if the sale starts at 10 and I go at 10:01 and tickets are available 35675, only 5 are left free? ) and see how the price is the same as putting the sign hanging from the box office the evening before the announcement date of the show. Well, I have not saved anything, you think, although I have made them all work and have spared many costs, but to your surprise, the best is yet to come ... Have I hit a dog or a doll Shoshone pilot? Maybe I will make a megadescuento of 0.005% on my next purchase over 500 €? Will I get maybe a calendar last year that they can not sell? no, much better, each entry costs 50 €, so the total of my purchase is 100 €, but oh, surprise, I have corresponded a charge 47'82 € per ticket for the concept of "management costs".

I mean, are telling me that if I had gone to the box office for the same money could have gone 2 times to the show? Yes, I'm afraid so, but it is too late to cancel the purchase and risk that when it comes to box office has left the Miss seller a boring coffee because it has no customers and avid online shoppers have been the last 5 entries remaining, so I resigned buy my 2 tickets to pay double the price my work to the company selling the tickets.

After thinking a moment, decided to send an email to the contact box hidden in a meeting sea \u200b\u200bof \u200b\u200bpages after more than 10 minutes looking at your website inaccessible horrible to read without much hope of any response:
I proceed to buy 2 tickets to a show through its website, but when she made I have seen the purchase charge 47'82 € processing fee for something that makes a computer system without anyone having to intervene at all. Can you explain what these 47'82 € of course management costs to seek to charge me not to feel cheated and robbed? Thanks.
To my surprise, half an hour ago I get reply (it is seen that as the system does it all alone and do not have any work, so unless they hurry to answer the emails), I stated:
Dear Customer:

The difference stems from the commission costs charged for the advance sale and be guaranteed a seat.
Customer Service.
words, touch assume that if the purchase was made in box office, most likely you'll take a seat on the floor in the best, pudiĆ©ndote play at the time of allocation of sites that you feel in a fire extinguisher or worse, in an ashtray with cigarette smell therefore in the backside because you do not guarantee that you touch a chair (chair on the other hand I hope to take a home, because by 47'82 € by letting a seat, there is another that you give away the chair where you take a seat as a souvenir)

I just wonder if it will be possible to go to box office with a folding chair under the arm and request a pair of tickets to my favorite show the next time it goes without stating that afternoon his 5 milliseconds to assign seats, which I put myself where you see a hole.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Electric Box Cheats Level 19

In medieval house with a girl. Pulp Fiction Part I revisited

7:00 am ... this time when the alarm goes off every day from Monday to Friday during all or most of the year.

I stretch, yawn that grizzly bear and I scratch between his legs to see that everything has to be in site is. I sit up and under the legs of the bed (I could not even open my eyes), I scratch my neck and back between his legs. I go to stretch ... I wake up with all the stealth that my clumsy and big body allows me not to wake the girl who I brought in my Delorian from the Middle Ages if if, in the middle ages. Open more harm than good eyes and look pretty ... that is ... at this time would not have ever gotten a girl so beautiful and I go to the shower.

only been here two days and we have spent in bed making love and eating custom ... been amazed at the modern food ... and today I have to leave alone ... yesterday I was explaining how the phone in case I have call ... and TV for this entertaining (the Ipad I saved because I do not even prepared to use my most precious treasure ...)
While I can not get out of my head ... I almost burned the toast, I have been out coffee and I had to change his shirt ... because I pulled up the juice ... but still can not get her out of her head ... I'm floating on a cloud ... happy, smiling ... Am I in love?

I enter the room to say goodbye. - Lucia (so called) - the whisper - Lucia, I have to go - BUT IT IS BEAUTIFUL ... - Do you remember everything we talked about yesterday? I leave you the number next to the phone to call me anytime or whatever you need, we practice, watching TV or listening to music, take a bath and eat something I'll be right back, okay? - "Mmmmmmmm, it future man ... Muack! - And I plant a kiss on the mouth ... Definitely, I'm in love!

I go to the subway and the way the only thing is I can not get her out of her head. CONTINUE

(Original Idea Gorilla)