Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Northface Breast Cancer Jacket


snow to be made that public transport
make another wildcat strike to resign ZP
What do lesbian Belén Esteban That
lower unemployment
That Infanta Elena marries Prince Albert of Monaco
That Gallardón remodel M40
That Gasol becomes astronaut
Let there be a Big Brother
That Chavez ordered the U.S. invasion That
Fernando Alonso wins the Nobel Prize for Literature
To discover the cure for cancer
Sara Carbonero
That pose in Playboy
chopped ball
legalizing the death penalty
That the Pope goes to Morocco ...

Bring in whatever ... but stop talking and the damn game yesterday!!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Parts For Regal Kitchen Pro Breadmaker #k6743s


This week they attended some events and news that, months after my last post, have awakened in me the need to write again in this our blog.

First, on Wednesday, Milan got a goal in blatant offside almost gave the victory against Real Madrid. Offside could see clearly that anyone who had access to a television. Similarly, Agüero achieved both in the field of Rosenborg which gave the victory in those lands to Atletico Madrid. For more derision, at halftime of both parties showed an ad of UEFA in announcing the new goal of arbitrators: 5 referees are better than 1 ...
good, not always ...

But no, this post is not heat the room facing the derby tomorrow, no. The third news is that I launched today at the keyboard: SAR modernizes and changes the odd spelling of the rule of life. Regardless of whether or not we agree with the new rules, (some of them seem to me unfortunate and outrageous) the really interesting news is its ability to change and everyone has them to bear. Something that in football, even if you try, it proves impossible, thanks to an ancient organization that is supported by a regulatory body is absurd as International Board.

And I say ... What if ...?
  1. assistants are deleted after three field umpires life. Or fourth official, goal judges or milk or anything. Only one, which will serve as interlocutor with the players, if necessary, identifying breaches of regulations. His assistant, banner in hand, as all life, will tell you throw-ins and offsides.
  2. It includes a TV judge . It could be a referee either, watching TV at home or in the same stadium, reserved area and without pressure from fans. It will support the chief judge in case of doubt or protest. Capacity
  3. captain a team to formally protest . Similarly to the players, with its "Hawkeye", each team will have 3 chances to protest a decision they consider wrong. The television umpire will decide if the field was wrong or not, in view of television pictures, which will be transmitted at the same time the stadium scoreboards. The decision was announced over the stadium PA system, so that all the public knows it. If the protest does not get the change in the decision of the arbitrator in the field, will be deducted from each team locker protests. Otherwise, keep that value.
  4. 3 After completing the mandatory protests, the team that made it so you can continue protesting but if it were to protest unjust, will be punished with a penalty against .
  5. Only the captain of each team may approach the referee to protest. Any other player who will try automatically expelled.
  6. The match will be played stopped clock, like all sports in the world (by God! How not done this years ago !!!), ie stops whenever the ball is in play. The management responsibility of the judge watch television and can be followed by the scoreboards. This eliminates the discount, the loss of time for fake injuries, etc ...
Six rules, zero investment. Would end the controversy. Would end the sense of theft. Ended with the "mischief" of the simulation. Game fairer, more just result.

What do you think? Hala, hala, comment ...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Things To Do With You 11 Year Old Sister

From slate to iPad

Years ago I took for think of the huge gap between my parents' generation and mine, when analyzing the overall differences in the way of life: education, housing, work, leisure, etc. and without going into technical details. As it happens, not very particular that my parents are from a rural environment, so the differences he perceived between his childhood and youth it seemed to me enormous, and provided for my children, when they did, would have a much longer life like mine.

The house of my paternal grandparents, in its infancy, had dirt floors, barn, had no bathroom and the patio was a small barn that housed the transportation of my grandfather: a donkey. The case of my grandparents is quite different, so I obviaré because I illustrates the quantum leap of generations.

My father saw the arrival of electricity, went to school with a slate (a contraption made of real slate , would say the Vip's, with a capacity of about 20 bytes pulling from the top). Of course there were just toys, few streets were paved, if not any, and all the people had two or three cars, one of my maternal grandfather.

So I imagined that my children would play with toys similar to mine, that would go to school and have classes organized by age, that cars in the streets would be like me, who would see pictures on TV y. .. wait, not so fast.

My generation has seen the advent of home computers, the birth of the Internet, you could almost equate to the arrival of electricity at the time. I remember a friend told how I lived through the advent of electricity at home with their parents "the light was very dim, and it was like a miracle." Something I have to explain in a few years, while trying to connect with my 56k modem, making a phone call, the miracle of real-time chat with someone from Australia and hallucinatory email. (I was a little obsessed with having an email account as soon as he saw that Compuserve addresses were a mixture of numbers and letters that would eventually have 23947sw@compuserve.com).

Actually, and removing the technology, little has changed between my generation and the next. We could add a few touches of notions of security and hygiene, why confine children to play in controlled spaces and under adult supervision, that what they see on TV are also toys (the toy Mazinger Z is could be sold, Holy God) and little else.

Those of my generation, and has written much about it, we lived not only the arrival of the Internet, mobile, pasteurized milk, the bollicao, breakfast cereals, the super-glue, hypermarkets, living on the outskirts of cities, immigration, highways ... ie, that at some point in our lives, all that did not exist. The first Ecuadorian I knew was, and is an electronics engineer.

What about technology? Is not that enough change? Yes it is. The pasteurized milk seems silly, but I've gone to buy milk at a dairy, and have given me so straight from the cow had to be boiled. And when selling at the supermarket, you had to go soon because if not exhausted, because of course, was milk a day. I've also seen it with my own eyes, very young, yes, how some women in the village of my parents in the public laundry washing, it seems to me something almost nineteenth century.

may or may not, that technology will change everything. Since then, my son 6 years ago as I was doing homework, (your professor has spent 20 years in the subject and I think it has made few innovations of Me). Of course, adorned with images related duties that sack of Google Images. Is the child who makes the copy & paste ... good, also the plug the router, turn on the PC, open Chrome, type the search terms and select "Pictures." Nonsense, of course, but I will owe 100% hand made, and it was late when I introduced the typewriter.

Actually this post was more an open question does technology has changed everything and so much?